APK Editor Studio v1.7.2 Released

Important hotfixes, code editor improvements, and more


It's been a long time since the previous update. I finally had a couple of days off from my main job, so now I'm happy to announce the APK Editor Studio v1.7.2 release. It contains the improved support for newer Android versions, code editor features, new translations, and a hotfix related to APK version code and SDK versions.

What's New

Hotfixes for Newer Apktool

This release includes a hotfix (well, not so ️‍🔥 "hot", but anyway…) for the newer Apktool versions.

In 2.9.0 release, Apktool has introduced its own internal YAML implementation. Unlike the previously used SnakeYAML, it has some different serialization algorithms. Due to this change, regular expressions for manifest parsing stopped working properly in APK Editor Studio, causing the inability to retrieve the APK version code and SDK versions.

Long story short, the issue is fixed now, and the APK version code and SDK versions info should be available again.

Also, APK Editor Studio now takes into account the fact that Apktool moved to AAPT2 as the default packaging tool.

New Code Editor Features

Word wrapping has been added to the code editor. You can toggle it by checking the
TabWord Wrap option.

Also, you can now configure the font family and size for the code editor. It can be done in
SettingsOptionsAppearanceCode Editor Font.

Additionally, the font size can be changed directly in the code editor by pressing the following shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + + (increase the font size)
  • Ctrl + (decrease the font size)
  • Ctrl + = (reset the font size)

AdSense Shut Down

Unfortunately, four months ago, Google shut down my AdSense account without explaining the specific reason behind this decision. Although APK Editor Studio is (and will always remain) a free and open-source project, this obviously impacted my small passive income which was a good bonus for sustaining this hobby project.

On the bright side, the APK Editor Studio website is now much easier to navigate without popups, banners ads, and other distractions. However, without any obligation, I would deeply appreciate your donations.

❤️ And, once again, thank you so much to everyone who supports APK Editor Studio.


You can share your opinion about this release and join the discussion here.

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